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  • Mushroom Tagliatelle

    A culinary delight for autumn evenings.

    Thanks to the Kiskohász Klasszik Restaurant for the recipe. Photo by Anda Fábián


    • Magic Mills Tagliatelle – 10 dkg
    • Wild mushrooms – 10 dkg
    • Cream/vegan cream – 1.5 dl
    • Olive oil – 1 tsp 
    • Salt – 1 tsp
    • White wine, parmesan (optional)


    1. Cook the pasta in salted water according to the instructions on the packaging. 
    2. Fry the mushrooms in butter and add the garlic.
    3. Pour about 1 dl of white wine (if you use) over the mushrooms and allow to evaporate.
    4. Add the cream and cooked pasta and bring to the boil.
    5. Season to taste and serve with parsley and parmesan.